How Should One Dispose Of CDs That Are Not Halaal
Question: A person has many music related items like CDs, musical instruments and the likes that are worth a decent amount […]
Question: A person has many music related items like CDs, musical instruments and the likes that are worth a decent amount […]
Imam Ash Shawkaani (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: Chapter In Regards To The Rulings Of Impurities: In this […]
Ash-Shaykh al-Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him, was asked the following question: Question: “One of the brothers in Canada […]
Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, rahimahullah, said: العفو عن ترك الواجبات ، والغفران عن فعل المحرمات ، هذا إذا اقترن […]
Shaykh Bin Baz was asked: Question: Some fasting people spent most of the day of Ramadan watching movies, drama series […]
Here is something I translated some time back after witnessing the great harm and fitnah in young men and women […]
Shaykh Abu Abdir Rahmaan Yahyaa bin Alee Al-Hajooree was asked: Question: What is the ruling on fireworks (الطماش)? Likewise, the […]
Shaykh Abdul Ghani Al Umaree was asked: Question: I got married Alhamdullillah but before marriage I used to watch pornography whilst […]
The use of medical marijuana is a modern issue that is gaining a lot of attention in the media and sparking […]
The Lajnah ad-Da’imah was asked the following question: Question: Russians are accustomed to heavy drinking especially during the winter. Packed […]