Facing The Qiblah When Making Du’aa For The Deceased
Ash-Shaykh Bin Baz, rahimahullah, was asked the following question: Question: “Is it prohibited to face the grave when making du’ā […]
Ash-Shaykh Bin Baz, rahimahullah, was asked the following question: Question: “Is it prohibited to face the grave when making du’ā […]
Question: Assalamu alaikum, what is the ruling on participating in a draw to win money (ex. scholarship)? Does this fall […]
Ash-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, hafidahullah, was asked the following, Question: “It has become widespread among some of the people that they […]
Question: What’s the ruling on nasheeds that don’t use instruments? Not listened to on a regular basis but special occasions […]
In relation to whether a person who dies from cancer being considered a martyr, the scholars have mentioned that there […]
Shaykh Sulayman Ar Ruhaylee mentions in this audio that there is no disgrace in mentioning the name of a female […]
Here are some issues that were observed against Abdul-Azeez at-Turayfi, may Allah grant us and him success to that which […]
Add photo الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله : “… الملول الذي إذا بقي في درسين.. ثلاثة.. أربعة.. عشرة.. ملَّ، ويبحث […]
إذا بان لك الحق فتسمك به .. ولو خالفك من خالفك قال الشيخ/ سليمان الرحيلي وفقه الله: إذا بان لك […]
قال الشيخ/ سليمان الرحيلي وفقه الله: يقول العلماء: في لزوم سنة النبي ﷺ الكفاية، لكن النبي ﷺ قال: (وسنّة الخلفاء […]