Ash-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, hafidahullah, was asked the following,


“It has become widespread among some of the people that they put up decorations, lights, lanterns, in addition to beautifying their homes by putting up curtains and designs out of joy and happiness for [the arrival of] the month of Ramadan. Also, some [actually] specify a place in their home for [putting up] decorations, (…word unclear), for breaking their fast, and for eating sahoor. Is this something permissible? May Allah safeguard you.”


“This has no basis [in the religion]. The month of Ramadan is like any other month in how a person would maintain his home. Nothing should be made specific for the month of Ramadan. The month of Ramadan shouldn’t be specified for decorating one’s home and for putting up curtains and so on. It shouldn’t be specified for hanging up adornments. The month of Ramadan should be specified for ‘ibadah, tawbah, and for participating with the Muslims in praying at-Taraweeh and at-Tahajjud” End.


| حكم تزيين البيوت استعدادا لرمضان |

للشيخ أ.د. سليمان الرحيلي | المدرس في المسجد النبوي .


س/ اقترب شهر رمضان هل يجوز لنا أن نزين بيوتنا بأنواع من الزينة مثل البالونات و المصابيح و الملصقات؛ لنشعر أنفسنا و أولادنا بأن هذا الشهر ليس كغيره من الشهور ؟

الجواب :

هذا من البدع المحدثة..
وضع الزين و الأنوار و الألوان على البيوت و فوانيس رمضان و غيرها = هذه من البدع التي أُدخلت على المسلمين في عهد الفاطميين و من بعدهم.

و لا شك أن البدع إنما تدخل من العواطف و تزيين الأهواء.

النبي ﷺ دخل عليه رمضان -وهو أحرص على الخير منا- ما كان يزين بيته، ولا يزين مسجده، و لا يأمر بهذا، ولا فعل هذا الصحابة و لا التابعون و لا الأئمة الأربعة المتبوعون؛
بل لم أقرأ هذا في كتاب عالم معتبر من علماء الأمة.

و هذا أمر منسوب إلى رمضان و إلى التعبد لا أنه عادة ، و إنما هو منسوب على جهة التعبد؛ لأنه مربوطٌ بشهر العبادة فيدخل في باب العبادات، لا في باب العادات.

ولذلك ينبغي علينا أن نترك هذا الأمر.

و أن نُشعِر أنفسنا بقرب رمضان بـ:
• الإكثار من الصيام في شعبان، كما فعل النبي ﷺ
• وبالتذكير بأيام رمضان الفاضلة، والتبشير به إذا جاء كما فعل النبي ﷺ .

◄ [ الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي – ( شرح دليل الطالب لنيل المطالب يوم السبت ٩ شعبان ١٤٣٨

Shaykh Sulaymaan Al-Ruhaylee was asked,


“The month of Ramadan is approaching [so] is it permissible for us to decorate our houses with types of decorations like balloons, lamps, and posters so that we and our children feel that this month is not like any other months?”


“This is from the newly invented matters. Putting up decorations, lights, and colours, Ramadan lanterns, and things similar in the house are from the innovations which has entered upon the muslims during the era (rule) of the Fatimid (Caliphate) and after them.

There is no doubt that innovation enters through emotions and through desires that have been beautified.

The Prophet ﷺ entered the month of Ramadan, and He ﷺ took notice of all good, yet he did not decorate his house, or his masjid, nor did he order with it, nor did his companions, and the tabi’oon, or the four Imaams.

Rather, I have not read this [i.e. decorating houses] from any of the books of knowledge of the scholars.

This action [decorating the houses] is attributed to Ramadan and to worship, not to being a custom. Rather, it is attributed to worship since it is linked to the month of worship, and as result, it falls under acts of worship and it doesn’t fall under acts of custom.

Therefore, we should leave this matter [of decorating one’s homes for Ramadan] off.

And we should make ourselves feel the nearness of the month of Ramadan by carrying out the following:

  • Increasing in our fasting in the month of Shaban like our Prophet ﷺ did, and;
  • giving reminders about the blessed days of Ramadan and giving glad tidings for it once it arrives as the Prophet ﷺ did

“. End.

Translated by

Yaqoob Amadei
Abu Aisha