Ash-Shaykh Albany rahimahullah, said:

ونحن في الواقع بيهمنا أن هذا الشيخ أحمد -جزاه اللهُ خيراً- قائم بواجب كبير، لكن هذا الواجب وهذا الجهاد إنما يفيدُه، إذا كان يؤمن بالله رباً واحداً أي ذاتاً واحدةً، ومعبوداً واحداً، ليس المقصود بأنه معبود واحد بمعنى أنه لا يصلي إلا له، لا، لو نادى الخَضْر في الضيق ما عبد الله وحده، لأن النداء عباده، قال – صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم -: «الدعاء هو العبادة»، فنحن نرجو أن يكون قد درس في بلاده التوحيد الصحيح، فيكون موحداً لله في ذاته موحداً لله في عبادته موحداً لله -عز وجل- في صفاتِه، ثلاثة، حينذالك يكون جهاده لعله نستطيع أن نقول، قام بواجب أخل به جميع المشايخ

“… In reality what matters to us is that Shaykh Ahmed (Deedat), may Allaah reward him with good, has fulfilled a great duty. However, this duty and this effort will only benefit him if he believes in Allah as being One Lord, meaning One in His Essence and One who is (deserving) to be worshipped alone and it is not (only) meant by (the saying),‘the One who is (deserving) to be worshipped alone’ that the person just prays to Allah. No, for if he were to call upon Khidr in a time of need, then he would not have worshipped Allah alone, since supplication is part of worship, (as) he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “Du’a is worship.”

So we hope that he (i.e. Ahmed Deedat) has studied the correct tawheed in his land so that he becomes a muwahhid (i.e. person of Tawheed) who singles Allah out solely in His Essence, in His worship, a muwahhid of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, in His Attributes, in these three (categories of tawheed) and there then his jihaad would be something that we perhaps could say that he has performed an obligatory duty which all of the (other) Shuyookhs fell short in…”


The Lajnah ad-Da’imah was asked the following question:


Ahmad Deedat said in his book “Al-Qur’an the Miracle of Miracles” that Qur’an includes many references to the number 19 and its multiplications. He gave many examples and here are some of them:

  • The word “اسم” (name) is mentioned 19 times in the Qur’an
  • The word “الله” (Allah) is mentioned 2698 (19 x 142) times in the Qur’an
  • The word “الرحيم” (The Most Merciful) is mentioned 114 (19 x 6) times in the Qur’an
  • The letter “ن” (Nun) is mentioned 133 (19 x 7) times in Surah Al-Qalam.
  • The first Qur’anic revelation is composed of 19 words which include 76 (19 x 4) letters
  • The first Surah (Qur’anic chapter) revealed in the Qur’an includes 19 Ayahs (Qur’anic verses) and 285 (19 x 15) letters, etc

Please give us your Fatwa (legal opinion issued by a qualified Muslim scholar) in this regard.


This study is among the fabricated falsities of a sect called Al-Batiniyyah Al-Baha’iyyah. It is based on glorifying the number 19. There is no doubt that this study is false, as it involves manipulating the Glorious Qur’an and distracting people from pondering its true meanings. This malicious group holds many false beliefs such as some of its leaders claiming prophethood. Its followers believe in Hulul (a Sufi term meaning indwelling) and Ittihad (a Sufi claim of union with Allah), deem Jihad (fighting in the Cause of Allah) to be unlawful and call for the unification of religions plus many other things. So, it is the duty of Muslims to beware of falling into this evil group and of being affected by its ideas or books. We ask Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) to save us from their plotting and to protect Muslims from their evils, for He is All-Powerful.

May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’


Ash-Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree, hafidaho-Allah, was asked the following question:

السؤال : أخٌ يسأل عن أحمد ديدات، يعني وما يفعله أو ما فعله هل يؤدي به إلى الكفر ؟


A brother is asking concerning the actions of Ahmad Deedat and concerning if his actions lead him to falling into disbelief?

الجواب : هو كان يقرر التوراة والإنجيل والكتب المتقدمة في مدرسته، باعتبار أنهم يحفظونها و يفهمونها، و يناظرون الكفار على ضوئها، أنهم خالفوها، الحقيقة هذا منه ضلال، أما الكفر فلا يظهرُ لي، أنه يؤدي به إلى الكفر، إخوانيٌ بشدة ولكن ضال،


He used to prescribe the Tawrah and al-Injeel and the earlier books in his school’s curriculum in order they (i.e. his students) could memorize it and understand it and then debate with the kuffar about it. In reality, this is misguidance from him. As for disbelief, then it hasn’t become apparent for me that this leads him to disbelief. He is a fervent Ikhwani and a misguided individual…

هكذا أيضاً تلميذه – زاكر – زاكر نايك، تدريسهم لهذه الكتب ضلال، ودعوة الكفار ليست على هذا الطريق الذي يسيرون عليهم هم،

… Likewise, his student Zakir Naik, them teaching these books is misguidance and giving dawah to the kuffar isn’t through this way which they have treaded…

Ash-Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree, hafidaho-Allah, was asked the following question :

السؤال : أخٌ يسأل عن أحمد ديدات، يعني وما يفعله أو ما فعله هل يؤدي به إلى الكفر ؟


A brother is asking concerning the actions of Ahmad Deedat and concerning if his actions lead him to falling into disbelief?

الجواب : هو كان يقرر التوراة والإنجيل والكتب المتقدمة في مدرسته، باعتبار أنهم يحفظونها و يفهمونها، و يناظرون الكفار على ضوئها، أنهم خالفوها، الحقيقة هذا منه ضلال، أما الكفر فلا يظهرُ لي، أنه يؤدي به إلى الكفر، إخوانيٌ بشدة ولكن ضال،


He used to prescribe the Tawrah and al-Injeel and the earlier books in his school’s curriculum in order they (i.e. his students) could memorize it and understand it and then debate with the kuffar about it. In reality this is misguidance from him. As for disbelief, then it hasn’t become apparent for me that this leads him to disbelief. He is a fervent Ikhwani and a misguided individual…

هكذا أيضاً تلميذه – زاكر – زاكر نايك، تدريسهم لهذه الكتب ضلال، ودعوة الكفار ليست على هذا الطريق الذي يسيرون عليهم هم،

… Likewise, his student Zakir Naik, them teaching these books is misguidance and giving dawah to the kuffar isn’t through this way which they have treaded…


Ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, rahimahullah, said:

و أنا شاهدت جانباً من المناظرة التي وقعت بين الداعية الأسلامي أحمد ديدات و أعجبني و بلغني أنه في النهاية القم ذلك القس حجراً و أنه أنقطع عن مناظرته و ظهر عجزه و الحمدلله.

…I watched one side of the debate that occurred from the Islamic caller Ahmed Deedat and I was impressed. And I was told that at the end he (i.e Ahmed Deedat) embarrassed that priest and the priest wasn’t able to continue the debate and it became apparent (to the people) he wasn’t able to respond back, and all praise is due to Allah.

[As-Sahwah al-Islaamiyyah (pg. 160)]

Ash-Shaykh Saalih as-Suhayme, rahimahullah, said:

“… Look at the debates of Shaykh Ahmed Deedat rahimahullah. While I got a chance to visit him before his death in south africa, (I noticed) he has a (unique) method in giving dawah. Yes he has a few mistakes in aqeedah, hence he rahimahullah didn’t studied under the scholars. However, he gave much efforts in giving dawah up until some priests embraced Islam. His method (in giving dawah) is excellent. We notified him about (i.e the observations concerning it) but at that time he rahimahullah was only able to comprehend; he wasn’t able to speak. As you already know, he became sick and it was said perhaps it was due to sihr, Allah knows best. Therefore, he rahimahullah used to speak back to us via writing, using a pen and he still had a correct mindset (i.e at that time). His method in giving da’wah is extremely beautiful; he would overcome his opponents (in the debate) and clarify the merits of Islam…”


A Note: Also I asked Ash-Shaykh Abdul-Hameed concerning the correct method in clarifying the errors and observations against Ahmed Deedat rahimahullah, so he said:

نعم يرد على أخطائه بما لا يكون نصرا للكفار عليه

“Yes he should refute his mistakes in a way which isn’t aiding the kuffar against him”

وفق الله الجميع لما يحبه و يرضاه

Translated by

AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman
Abu Fajr