Can we say we are the students of Shaikh Ibn ul-Uthaymeen, Shaikh Bin Baz, and Shaikh Muqbil?
Fahd ibn Abdillah as-Saneed wrote: “I was in al-Qaseem in the year 1418 H and the Shaikh (Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen) […]
Fahd ibn Abdillah as-Saneed wrote: “I was in al-Qaseem in the year 1418 H and the Shaikh (Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen) […]
Al-Imam Bin Baz, rahimahullah was asked the following question : ما حكم لباس سروال ( البنطلون ) ؟ خاصة إن […]
Shaikh Bin Baz rahimahullah was asked: Question: Are the remembrances for sleep specifically for sleep at night only? If a […]
They should strive to pray two rak’ahs first then they can sit and have a conversation inshaa Allah, Ash Shaykh […]
Ash-Shaykh Bin Baaz, Rahimahullah, said when explaining the following hadeeth: : ( إن الرفق لا يكون في شيء إلا زانه ولا […]
In regards to paritions or barriers in the masjid and their requirments Shaikh Bin Baz rahimahullah said: “The affair is […]
In general, a women can correct the Imam Shaikh Bin Baz rahimahullah was asked: Question: If the Imam makes a […]
Question: The people hug each other on the days of Eid and they are not returning from a travel. The […]
Question: For someone that prays in a jama’ in the masjid within the time for that prayer but prays after […]
Some mention the following narration on Aishah reported by Abu Dawud in his sunnan to show some of its restrictions: […]