Doing Wudu With Ink That Does Not Come Off Easily – Shaykh Bin Baz
Question: If one gets ink on their hands which it isn’t coming off so easily, can he still make wudu with […]
Question: If one gets ink on their hands which it isn’t coming off so easily, can he still make wudu with […]
Venue: Daar at-Tawheed When: October 23, 2015 after Asr Salaah — Topic: The Purifying the Heart according to the Sunnah Speaker: Faisal Ibn Abdul […]
Reciter: Abdullah al-Matari Recited Surahs: Parts of Surah Rad and Surah Ibrahim Surah Israa Verse 28 Until End Surah Maryam
A Bizarre question posed to Ash-Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmi: Question: (What is the ruling on) a man (who) sought a woman’s hand […]
Question: We have a custom when a new masjid is built to invite the brothers from the different lands to […]
Ash-Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree, may Allah preserve him, was asked the following question, Question: A strong Student of Knowledge was invited […]
Question: Does looking at the watch, touching the beard, and scratching the skin while the Imam is delivering the Khutbah […]
Question: Does the Walimah have a timing that it be before entering [upon the wife] or after it? Does it […]
Question: If a person misses a prayer, do they need to make their prayer up before praying the next one. […]
Ash-Shaykh Saaleh al Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) was asked regarding the ruling on a student of knowledge who follows up the mistakes […]