
Does looking at the watch, touching the beard, and scratching the skin while the Imam is delivering the Khutbah enter into idle speech?


“A person scratching his body when it itches does not affect [his khutbah]. What is prohibited is what busies from the Khutbah. Like that, him looking at his watch is not from idle speech. As for him taking out his watch if it is in his pocket, then fits into the category of touching the pebbles. As for him looking at his watch and it is on his hand, then there is no harm in it”

[Sharh Sunan Abi Dawood no. 139]

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan


If someone talks accidentally out of forgetfulness, does that require one to stay back and pray?


No, nothing is upon him if he does so out of forgetfulness.

Allah, The Most High, said :

رَبَّنَا لاَ تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِن نَّسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا

“Our Lord! Do not take us to account if we forget or fall into error”


Answered by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr


What is the ruling of someone who reaches his hand out to shake yours during the Khutba although he does not say Salaams or anything else? Can we shake his hand without saying a word or does this also enter idle speech?


Ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, rahimahullah, said:

أما مصافحته فإنه لا بأس بها وإن كان الأولى أيضاً عدم المصافحة، وغمزه ليشعر بأن هذا ليس موضع مصافحة؛ لأن في المصافحة نوعاً من العبث الذي قد يخرج الإنسان عن تمام الاستماع للخطبة.

As for shaking the hands (during the khutbah), then there is no harm in it although what is better is not to shake hands (during the khutbah). Rather, he should indicate to him (i.e. through his body language) in order that the person realizes that this is not the time for shaking hands since shaking hands is a type of distraction which can take the person out of the zone of giving full attention in listening to the khutbah.

Reference: Majmoo’u Fataawa of al-Uthaymeen, volume: 16, chapter: yawmul jumah.

Answered and Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr