Imam Ibn Baz was asked about those who withhold from making Dua for the rulers. He said:

هذا من جهله، وعدم بصيرته؛ لأن الدعاء لولي الأمر من أعظم القربات، ومن أفضل الطاعات,

This is from his ignorance and not having insight for supplication for the ruler is from the greatest of deeds one gets near to Allah with. And [also it is] from the most virtuous acts of obedience.

ومن النصيحة لله ولعباده، والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لما قيل له: إن دوساً عصت وهم كفار قال:  ((اللهم اهد دوساً وائت بهم))

And from [the examples of] sincerity for Allah and advise for his slaves. The prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم, when it was said to him that Daws disobeyed and they were Kuffar, he said ‘oh Allah, guide Daws and bring with them’.

فهداهم الله وأتوه مسلمين. فالمؤمن يدعو للناس بالخير، والسلطان أولى من يدعى له؛

Thus Allah guided them and brought them to him as Muslims, thus the believer supplicates for the people with good, and the ruler is more deserving that he be made Dua for

لأن صلاحه صلاح للأمة، فالدعاء له من أهم الدعاء، ومن أهم النصح أن يوفق للحق وأن يعان عليه، وأن يصلح الله له البطانة،

Because him being upright is the uprightness of the nation, thus Dua for him is the most important of Duaa and from the most important of advise that he be granted success to the truth, be aided upon it and that Allah corrects those who are his close companions

وأن يكفيه الله شر نفسه وشر جلساء السوء، فالدعاء له بالتوفيق والهداية وبصلاح القلب والعمل وصلاح البطانة من أهم المهمات،

That Allah suffices him from the evil of his self and the evil companions, thus Dua for him being granted success, guidance, an upright heart and actions, and upright companions is from the most important of matters

ومن أفضل القربات، وقد روي عن الإمام أحمد رحمه الله أنه قال:  (لو أعلم أن لي دعوة مستجابة لصرفتها للسلطان)، ويروى ذلك عن الفضيل بن عياض رحمه الله.

And from the most virtuous of that which one seeks nearness with it was reported from imam Ahmad Rahimahullah that he said “If I knew that I had a Dua that would be answered, I would have made it for the ruler” and this was also reported from Fudayl Ibn Iyaad Rahimahullah.

Translated by

Majid Jawed Al-Afghanee
Abu Layl