Ash-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, hafidaho-Allah, was asked the following question concerning a statement by the Da’ee Muhammad al-Mukhtar Shinqitee:

أحسن الله إليكم : يقول السائل يقول أحد المنتسبين للعلم أن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم عندما يأتيه الوحي يخرج عن طور البشرية ؟


“The questioner says: one of those who ascribe to knowledge mentions that the Messenger sallahu alayhi wa salam leaves the phase of being human when receiving revelation?”

هذا كلامٌ باطل , الرسول بشر عليه الصلاة والسلام ( إنما أنا بشر مثلكم ) فهو بشر عليه الصلاة والسلام ولا يخرج عن طور البشرية أبداً ، في حال من الأحوال لكن الله خصه بالرسالة ، بالوحي ميزه على غيره من البشر .


“This speech is baatil [i.e wrong]. The Messenger sallahu alayhi wa salam is human.

“I am only a man like you” (18:110).

So he is a human and he doesn’t leave at all the phase of being human. However, Allah chosen Him for the Message, by the means of the revelation. Allah has distinguished him from other than him from the humans.”

ويقول أيضاً لا يجوز هجر المبتدع فوق ثلاثة أيام ؟


“Likewise, he mentions it is not permissible to boycott the innovator beyond three days?”

لايجوز هجر المؤمن فوق ثلاثة أيام , أما المبتدع فهجره حسب المصلحة , إذا كان في هجره ردع له فإنه يهجر ولو زاد عن عشرة أيام ولو زاد عن عشرة أيام حتى يتوب


“It is not permissible to boycott the believer beyond three days. As for the innovator, then his boycotting depends on the benefit [behind it]. If in boycotting him it reprimands him, then he is to be boycotted even if it may be for more than ten days up until he repents.”

, إنما هذا في المؤمن الذي ليس بمبتدع ولا عاصي لا يهجر فوق ثلاثة أيام لمجرد سوء تفاهم بينه وبين أخيه , أما المبتدع وأما العاصي والمجاهر بالمعصية هذا يهجر إلى أن يتوب من شره …

“The case for a believer – who isn’t an innovator or a sinner – is the one who shouldn’t be boycotted beyond three days upon the basis there was a misunderstanding between him and his fellow brother. As for the innovator and the sinner, the one who exposes his sins, then they are to be boycotted up until they repent from their evil…”. End translation. [Questions posed to the Shaykh hafidaho-Allah in the year 5-8-1431هـ]

Also, Ash-Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmi rahimahullah was asked the following question:

هل نحضر دروس الشيخ محمد الشنقيطي في الفقة ؟


“Should we attend the lessons of Shaykh Muhammad Shinqitee in fiqh?”

ج/ حكي لناعن هذا الرجل أن عنده شيء من التصوف .فمن أجل هذا أنا أقول أنه الأفضل من لوحظ عليه شيء من غير منهج السلف يجب البعد عنه.


“What has been reported to us concerning this person is that he has some soofi tendencies with him. Therefore, for this reason I say what is more recommended for the one who has observations against him of being upon other than the way of the Salaf is that it is compulsory to keep far from him.” End translation. [al-Ajwibah as-Salafiyah]

Likewise, Ash-Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree, hafidaho-Allah, stated the following regarding Shaykh Muhammad al-Mukhtar Shinqitee:

الشنقيطي الذي يدرس في المدينة مميع من المميعين سأله طالب أين يدرس في اليمن فنصحه أن يدرس عند صوفية تريم، أهذا قول الناصحين أم قول الغشاشين؟ أيضا يقول : الرسول إذا نزل عليه الوحي يخرج عن إطار البشرية.

“Shinqitee the one who teaches in Madeenah is waterdown in his manhaj. One of the students asked him: where should he study in Yemen so he advised him to study with the sufis in the city of Tareem. Is this the words of a true advisor or words of someone who misleads [others]. Likewise, he says when the Messenger, sallahu alayhi wa salam, receives revelation he departs the phase of being human.” End translation. [Tape: The legislated Advice]

Note: Also, one of his erroneous statements was raised to Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad hafidaho-Allah during his Sharh on Sunan Abu Dawud as means of clarification and advice for the public.

Ash-Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee hafidaho-Allah has some speech clarifying that Shaykh Muhammad al-Mukhtar’s methodology is similar to the modern day callers who have misled many through their praise and companionship for the people of innovations.

In Conclusion: A number of shuyookh in Madeenah who are greatly acquainted with Shaykh Muhammad al-Mukhtar Shinqitee have advised against listening to him and have warned from his methodology. Similarly, in Yemen and Egypt Shaykh Muhammad al-Mukhtar Shinqitee has been warned by from a number of Mashayikh. Also, much of his lectures contain leniency in sharing fabricated narrations and very weak hadiths which have been pointed out online for those who wish to return to them In Shaa Allaah to see for themselves that his talks aren’t totally safe to share. And Allah knows best.

Translated by

AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman
Abu Fajr