Ash-Shaykh Bin Baaz, rahimahullah, was asked the following question:


Is the sacrificing of the animal supposed to be done on a specific day (during the days of dhul hijjah)?


أما وقت الضحية فهو أربعة أيام على الصحيح من أقوال العلماء: يوم العيد وهو يوم عيد النحر وهو العاشر من ذي الحجة، ثم اليوم الحادي عشر ثم اليوم الثاني عشر ثم اليوم الثالث عشر، وقال بعض أهل العلم: إنها ثلاثة يوم العيد ويومان بعده، والصواب أنها أربعة، يوم العيد وثلاثة أيام بعده، وهي أيام التشريق، وهي أيام النحر، وهي أيام رجم الجمار، وهي أيام ذكر لله -عز وجل- وأكل وشرب، فإذا صلى الناس العيد صلاة العيد بدءوا بالذبح، يبدأ بالذبح بعد صلاة العيد كما أمر النبي -عليه الصلاة والسلام- فإنه صلى ثم ذبح

As for the (appointed) time for making the sacrifice, then it is (a period) of four days according to the correct opinion of the scholars: the day of Eid, which is Eid al-Adhaa, which is the tenth day of Dhul Hijjah, then the eleventh day, then the twelfth day, then the thirteenth day. Also, some of the scholars said it is (only) for three days: the day of Eid and the two days after it. However, the correct opinion is that it is for four days, the day of Eid and the three days after it which are referred to as the days of tashriq.

Therefore, when the people finish praying Salaatul Eid, they should begin with the act of slaughtering. The person should begin with the act of slaughtering after Salaatul Eid as has been commanded by the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam, for verily he prayed (first) then he slaughtered.


Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr