When Is It Best To Start Congratulating Each Other For Eid – Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah
Question: When is it best to start congratulating each other for Eid? Answer: It should be on the day of […]
Question: When is it best to start congratulating each other for Eid? Answer: It should be on the day of […]
The start time for the Takbeerat for Eid ul-Fitr is when going out for the prayer until the Imam emerges. […]
Shaikh Abdul Muhsin al-‘Abbad hafidhuhallah was asked: Question: What is the ruling on visiting relatives, living or dead, on the […]
Here a few more Eid benefits: Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan hafidhuhallah wrote: 1. “It is Sunnah before going out for the […]
I wanted to share these fatawa against the common innovation we find in the masaajid of making takbir in unison […]
Question: The people hug each other on the days of Eid and they are not returning from a travel. The […]
Shaikh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wad’iee rahimahullah was asked: Question: Is the opening takbir in the eid prayer included in the […]
Imam Ibn Qudama rahimahullah wrote: “Verily it is recommended for them [the women] to come out not perfumed and not […]