Ruling On Flu Vaccines – Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, Shaykh Abu Abdir Rahmaan Yahyaa Bin Alee Al-Hajooree, And Shaykh Abdul Azeez Aal Ash-Shaykh
In terms of the flu vaccines, then we should know that there are two varieties. One is a nasal spray […]
Authentic Knowledge, Quraan, Sunnah, Salaf
In terms of the flu vaccines, then we should know that there are two varieties. One is a nasal spray […]
بسم اللــــه الرحمـــــــــن الرحيم الســــــــؤال :- كم تُقرأ المعوِذات بعد صلاة المغرب والفجر ؟ الإجــــــــــــابة :- عقب كل صلاة تقرأ […]
Imam al Uthaymeen said, “All of us should know that the day will come in which he wishes that in […]
Imam Muqbil was asked about the ruling of the statement of some that the books of the latter scholars and […]
Sheikh al Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimuhullah said, “Whoever becomes accustomed to seeking revenge and not being patient (when oppressed) will […]
Shaykh Abdul Hameed Al Hajooree in his book الذهب المسبوك في احكام الكسوف, page 52-53, mentions, “Matter: Does praying the […]
Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbad was asked: Question: “Oh Virtuous Shaikh, some callers have emerged today using laughter and jokes as a […]
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen was asked: Question: “Is plucking the facial hair, not including the eyebrows, forbidden?” Answer: “Yes, it is […]
From the remembrances of the day and evening is his statement سبحان الله و بمحده 100 times in the morning […]
Shaikh al-Albani rahimahullah said, “If it is said, ‘is it allowed to to initiate other than the greeting of peace […]