The Ruling On Selling Goods During A Non-Muslim Celebration – Shaikh Abdurrahman Ibn Nasir Al-barrak
Question: Is it allowed to sell gifts specifically for the occasion of the Christian festivals? Answer: “Which gifts? As for […]
Question: Is it allowed to sell gifts specifically for the occasion of the Christian festivals? Answer: “Which gifts? As for […]
Ash-Shaykh Bin Baaz, rahimahullah, was asked the following question : ما حكم الإسبال في الكم، هل هو حرام أم مكروه، […]
Question: Is it permissible to pray with the intention of Asr with those who Pray Dhuhr late? Answer: The lajnah stated: […]
Umar bin al-Khattaab (radhiallaahu anhu) said: وجدنا خير عيشنا بالصبر ” The best way we found to live our lives […]
Feminism is “the belief in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes” [Reference] However, Islam beliefs women are […]
المجئ بنية الاستفادة لا لمجرد غرض من الأغراض 1. Coming with the intention to benefit sincerely for Allaah’s sake and […]