Shaykh Muhammad Nasiruddin Al-Albani was asked,


“In your opinion, what color is appropriate for the carpet of masjid which does not oppose the sunnah?”


“Yes, it is a pale color. Pale which does not draw the glance and does not let the sight run free. That is an earthy color even if it is brown.”


“That is, it is diagonal?”


“There is no preventative”


“That is: it does not oppose the narration: beware of the red and yellow or the likes?”


“No, the intent of the statement of Umar radiallahu anhu: “Shelter the people and do not make it red or yellow” means do not adorn it. The affair of the masjid is like the clothing of the woman when she exits her house. She can wear what she wants from white clothing, black, green, blue, etc. However, it cannot be what? It cannot be adorning. It should be simple. Like this is the carpet of the masjid. It is a must that it be simple. It does not let the sight of those praying run free and it does not distract [from the fact] that they are coming to it [i.e. the masjid] to worship their Lord”. End translation. [Silsilatul-Huda wal-Nur no. 246 starting from 00:00: 01 until 00:05:00 ]

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan