Shaykh Abdul Aziz Al-Raajihi was asked:


“Oh Virtuous Shaikh Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah ar-Raajihi hafidhuhallah, assalamu alaykum, virtuous Shaikh, we are a group of youth who work in women fabric stores. As it is well known by a lot of people, the owners of these women fabric stores display the fabric on a body that resembles the body of women called a Manikin. It does not have a head and hands. They fasten the fabric upon this body until the size of the chest and waist become apparent and they leave the shoulders bare knowing that some women when they purchase the item displayed on this body, they request the employee to take a picture of this item upon the Manikin so to benefit from it in detail and to meet her request. Oh Virtuous Shaikh, what is the ruling on this Manikin and what they do of displaying and photographing? We hope from you, your Eminence, to benefit us in that and direct us to what is correct. May Allah reward you with the best of rewards.


“Bismillah Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem. Wa alayka Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, upon his followers, his Companions and Tabi’een. As for what follows:

Verily these fabrics which are displayed upon a Manikin that resembles a woman’s body such that even the size of the chest and waist are apparent and the shoulders are bare and likewise the chest, that which is apparent to me is this display is not allowed, even if the Manikin has no head due to what is in that of fitnah and appeal to wickedness. Blocking the means to evil is an affair that has come in the religion. Like that, Allah ordered the woman to wear Hijab and the Prophet (ﷺ) prohibited the seclusion of a man and a strange woman. It is possible to display the fabric in a way that does not lead to the impermissible. I ask Allah to grant everyone peace and wellbeing from fitan and for firmness upon the religion. Verily he is the guardian of that and All-Able. May Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, upon his followers, his Companions and the Tabieen”. End translation. [Reference]

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan