‎103 – حكم من يصلي في بيته لمتابعة صلاة أبنائه

Shaykh Bin Baz, may Allaah have mercy on him, was asked:

‎س : هنالك رجل يصلي بأبنائِه في بيته ، ونحن ننصحه كثيرًا بأن يصلي في المسجد هو وأبناؤُه ، وهو يصلي في بيته ، ويقول : للاطمئنان على أنهم صلَّوا . فهل عمل هذا الرجل صحيح ، أم لا بد من صلاته في المسجد ؛ بعد ذلك يأتي ويصلي بأولاده ؟ وجهونا جزاكم اللَّه خيرًا


“There is a man who prays with his sons in his home, and we have advised him much that he pray in the masjid with his sons [and yet] he still prays in home saying that he feels at easy [at home] knowing that they pray. So is the action of this man correct or is it a must that he prays in the masjid and then after that returns and prays with his children? Direct us [to that which is correct] may Allaah reward you with good.”

‎ج : الواجب عليه وعلى أولاده الصلاة في المسجد ، عليهم جميعًا الصلاة في المسجد مع الجماعة ، وعليه أن يحاسبهم ، وأن يستعين باللَّه عليهم حتى يصلوا معه في المسجد ؛ لقول الرسول صلى اللَّه عليه وسلم : مروا أولادكم بالصلاة وهم أبناء سبع سنين ، واضربوهم عليها وهم أبناء عشر فهو يجتهد في هذا ، ويحرص حتى يذهبوا معه إلى المسجد ، ولا يجوز له أن يصلي في البيت ، ومن تخلف منهم إن كان من عشر فأكثر أدبه ، وإن كان من سبع فأكثر إلى العشر فلا تأديب عليه ، لكن بالكلام الطيب ، بالنصيحة والتوجيه ، حتى إذا بلغ العشر استحق أن يضرب حتى يستقيم .


“What is obligatory upon him and his children is prayer in the masjid. It is upon them all to pray the masjid with the congregation. And upon him is to take them to account, and to seek help with Allaah regarding his children until they pray with him in the masjid. [This is] due to the saying of the Messenger, Salallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam,

“Command your children to perform Salat (prayer) when they are seven years old, and discipline them for (not offering) it when they are ten”.

So he should strive in this matter, be eager in this matter until his children go with him to the masjid. And it is not permissible for him to pray in the house. And whoever from among his children stay back from the congregational prayer while if he is at least 10 years of age or more, then let him discipline him. And if [the child] is between seven until ten years of age, then he should not discipline him. Rather he should use good words, and advise and give guidance up until the children reaches the age of ten. Then it is required that the child be disciplined until he is upright”. End quote. [Reference]

Translated by: Aashir Khan, Abu Layth
Edited by: Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan, Abu Sulaymaan