Ash-Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee, Rahimahullah, was asked the following question,

: ما حكم التصوير بالجوال؟ فأنا أقوم بتصوير ابني بدون ضرورة و هل علي مسح صوره من الجوال أو الكمبيوتر؟


What is the ruling on taking a picture through a cellphone, So (the affair is like this;) I would take a picture of my son without there being a necessity for it. (So what is the ruling upon this) and is it a must upon me to delete his pictures from the cellphone and the laptop?

الجواب: “…قضية التصوير ظاهر الأدلة من السنٌة أن جميع التصوير بالوسائل المختلفة سواءً الحادثة في هذا الزمن أو غيره أنه حرام و لا يستثنى منه إلا ما دعت إليه الحاجة أو الضرورة


As for the matter of picture taking, what is apparent from the texts of the Sunnah is that picture-taking in all of its various means, whether it be by the modern day means, or other than it, it is indeed haraam, (and) nothing from it is exempted except what there is a (dire) need and necessity for

فما كان بدون حاجة و لا تلجأ إليه ضرورة فاالأصل التحريم و هو من الكبائر و على هذا مشى الشيخ عبد العزيز ابن باز ـ رحمه الله ـ يرى بأن التحريم عام بأي وسيلة من الوسائل كان

Whatever there is no need for and no daroorah for, the origin is that it is impermissible. And it is from the major sins and upon this was the stance of Ash-Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz, rahimahullah. He would see that the prohibition is general, no matter through what means it was done by.

التصوير مع أن بعض العلماء المعاصرين فرق بين إشتقاق الصورة و بين نحتها و الأحاديث تبقى على عمومها حتى يأتي ما يخصص من النصوص الصحيحة و لا مخصص .

(Regarding) picture taking, although some of the modern scholars made a distinction between extracting the picture and carving it out, (regardless) the hadeeths should be left general up until it comes what will make it specific (restricted) from the authentic proofs. And (one should know that) there is nothing to make it specific.

فالخلاصة الذي يصور بأي وسيلة من الوسائل بدون ضرورة تلجأه إلى ذلك فقد وقع في المحظور فعليه أن يرحم نفسه فالوعيد شديد لعن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم المصورينو قال: “من صور صورة كلف أن ينفخ فيها الروح و ليس بنافخ”

The summary is (that) whosoever takes a picture through whatever means it may be without there being a daroorah for that, then he has indeed fallen into what has been prohibited. So, it is upon him to show mercy upon himself, for verily the threat (pertaining to it) is severe. The Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salaam cursed the picture makers. He said, ‘Whoever makes a picture will be held responsible (on the day of resurrection) to breathe a spirit into it, and he is not one who can breathe such

فهي كبيرة من كبائر الذنوب و إن تساهل فيها معظم الناس فما كان لضرورة و حاجة ملٌحة فعند الضرورة يباح المحظور. ” اهـ

Therefore it is a major sin from the major sins, although most of the people are lenient regarding it. As such, whenever there is a daroorah and a dire need for it there, then due to the daroorah, what was prohibited becomes permissible.

Also Shaykh Zayd bin Muhammad Al-Madkhalee, rahimahullah, was asked the following question:

Question: What is the ruling on taking pictures through a cell phone or (and) what is the ruling on saving the image on this device?


Picture taking is not permissible except if for a (dire) need. If there is a need for it which is a daroorah, then it becomes permissible to take pictures. Otherwise, if there is no daroorah for it, then it is not permissible to take pictures, whether it be through the means of a cellphone or through other means


Likewise Ash-Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin al-Abaad, Rahimahullah, was asked the following question,


What is the ruling on taking photographs or taking pictures through the device of a camera?

Answer: All of that is considered to be picture-making, and picture-making is permissible for a necessity. And as for what is used from it for memorials and other than that, then it is not allowed


Ash-Shaykh Saalih As-Suhaymee, may Allâh preserve him said:

By Allâh oh noble brother, that which is appropriate for a Muslim is that he stays away from all of it (i.e pictures) although some scholars make an exception for videos or television due to it being a transmission (of the picture). However, one should leave that which he is doubtful (about) for that which he is not doubtful for.

Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr