قال علماء اللجنة الدائمة :

” علم المغيبات من اختصاص الله تعالى فلا يعلمها أحد من خلقه لا جني ولا غيره إلا ما أوحى الله به إلى من شاء من ملائكته أو رسله ” انتهى من ”

فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة” (1 /346)

The Lajnah ad-Daa’imah states:

“The knowledge of the unseen is from that which is restricted to Allah, The Most High. Therefore, no one from His creation has knowledge of it, whether it be from the jinn or other than them except what Allah reveals from it to (who) He wishes from His Angles or His Messengers (including His Prophets).”

Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (1/346).

Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr