Ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, rahimahullah , was asked the following question,



ما حكم تعليق بعض الإعلانات للحج والعمرة داخل المساجد؟

What is the ruling on hanging up some of the Hajj and Umrah posters inside the masjid”?


لا يجوز أن تعلق الإعلانات للحج والعمرة داخل المسجد؛ لأن غالب الذين يأخذون هذه الرحلات يقصدون الكسب المالي فيكون هذا نوعاً من التجارة. لكن بدلاً من أن تكون في المسجد تكون عند باب المسجد من الخارج.


It is not permissible to hang up announcements for Hajj and Umrah inside the masjid because the majority of those taking upon themselves to arrange these trips are those who intend the profit behind it. Therefore, this will be a form of business. However, instead of it being in the masjid, it should be at the doors of the masjid, outside.”

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Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr

Shaikh Abdul-Aziz ar-Raajihi hafidhuhallah was asked:


What is the ruling on hanging posters for knowledge-based lessons or study circles and prize winners and other than that inside the masjid? If it is allowed, how do we respond to the one who says, ‘verily in these things are a prohibited means and it is announcing business-related things and other than that [in the masjid]?


No, this is not announcing business-related things or buying or selling which is not allowed. (Regarding) announcing lectures and seminars, (then) this is calling to good, calling to knowledge, (and) this is something which the Masaajid were built for. The Masaajid were built for studying, teaching, prayer, remembering Allah. As for posters and business-related affairs, that is not allowed in the masjid”

[Fatawa Munawwa’ah no. 10]

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan

Also to add to the topic of posters in the mosques:

Ash-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him, was asked the following question,


السؤال :
انتشر في بعض المساجد وضع لوحات أمام المصلين مكتوب عليها الأذكار التي تقال بعد الصلاة فما حكم ذلك ؟

It has become common in some of the mosques the placing of posters in front of where the people pray and it is written on it the prescribed dhikr that should be uttered after the salaah. So, what is the ruling of that?


فأجاب حفظه الله :
يا إخواني ما يجوز الكتابة بالمساجد ؛ ولا تعليق الكتابات في المساجد ، هذا من العبث ، ومما نهي عنه ، ومما يشغل المصلين ، وليس هكذا تعليم العلم ، تعليم العلم ماهو بالملصقات ، تعليم العلم يكون بالدروس وبالمحاضرات وبالندوات ؛ ما يكون بملصقات تلصق ، فيجب أن المساجد تخلى من هذه الملصقات والمعلقات

Oh my fellow brothers, it is not permissible to write on the walls of the mosques nor to put up certain writings in the mosques. This is a frivolous act and from what has been prohibited and from what distracts the people praying. And this is not the way to teach knowledge; teaching knowledge is not through posters. (Rather) teaching knowledge is through the lessons and lectures and the seminars and it is not by posters that are (merely) hanged. Therefore, it is a must that the mosques be free from such posters and banners.

Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr