من طرائف الإمام الألبانى – رحمه الله -:

ذات مرة وهو مريض ودخل عليه أحد الاطباء ليعالجه وكان الطبيب حليق اللحية وبعد أن أعطى الدواء للشيخ وهم بالإنصراف قال: ادع الله لي ياشيخ فقال الألباني رحمه الله: جملك الله بما جمل به الرجال

انـظـر: [ دروس ومواقف وعبر 96 ]

“It was narrated that al-Imam Albany rahimahullah was sick one day and one of the local doctors entered upon him to treat him while the doctor was clean shaven. So, when the doctor was done treating the Shaykh, he said to the Shaykh on his way out ‘make du’a for me’. So Shaykh Albany rahimahullah replied saying, ‘May Allah beautify you with what He has beautified men with’ End summary.

Mentioned by

AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman
Abu Fajr