قال ابن بطة (( فلله الله معشر المسلمين لا يحملن أحداً منكم حسن ظنه بنفسه وما عهده من معرفته بصحة مذهبه على المخاطرة بدينه في مجالسة أهل الأهواء فيقول أداخله لأناظره أو أستخرج مذهبه وإنهم أشد فتنة من الدجال وكلامهم ألصق من الجرب وأحرق للقلوب من اللهب ولقد رأيت جماعة من الناس كانوا يلعنونهم ويسبونهم فجالسوهم على سبيل الإنكار والرد عليهم فمازالت بهم المباسطة وخفي المكر ودقيق الكفر حتى صبوا إليهم))

“الإبانة” (1/154)

Ibn Battah (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: “So Allah, Allah O group of Muslims. Let not the good opinion of any one of you and what he was favored with of knowing the correctness of his mathhab lead him to risk his religion by sitting with the people of desires. So he says: ‘I will enter upon him to argue with him or to extract his (misguided) mathhab”. For verily they (the people of desires) are a greater trial than Dajjal, and their speech is more tenacious than the itch (i.e. mange), and burns the hearts more than a flame. I have seen a group of people who used to curse them (the people of innovation) and insult them, then they sat with them in order to detest and refute them. So they (the people of innovation) did not cease to show kindness, hidden plotting, and subtle disbelief, until they cast this group of people towards them [i.e. they became like the people of desires]” [al-Ibaanah (1/154)]

Translated by

Faisal bin Abdul Qaadir bin Hassan
Abu Sulayman