Al-Imam Ahmad bin Ali al-Abaari rahimahu’allah said,

“I saw a man in the city of Khuzestan (a city south west of Iran) with a shaven moustache, who had bought a book.. The scholars of hadith were mentioned so he said, ‘they are nothing (not of any significance) and they do not do anything’. So I said to him, ‘You can’t perform your prayers correctly’. The man replied arrogantly, ‘Me?’ I said, ‘Yes. What do you have memorized from the Messenger when you enter your salaah and raise your hands?’ He was silent. [I asked,] ‘What do you have memorized from the Messenger when you place your hands on your knees (i.e in rukuu)?’ He was silent. [I asked,] ‘What do you have memorized from the Messenger when your prostrate?’ He was silent. I asked, ‘What is the matter with you that you can’t talk? Did I not tell you that you do not know how to pray correctly? It has been said to you to pray 2 units of prayer in the morning and 4 units of prayer for dhuhr. Stick to this, as this is better for you than talking about the scholars of hadith. You are nothing (insignificant) and do not know anything.'” End translation. [Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa]

Translated by

Yassin Al-Somalee
Abu Aisha