امتحن الإمام #البخاري في آخر حياته فرفع يديه يدعو:
( اللهم قد ضاقت علي الأرض بما رحبت، فاقبضني إليك )
قال الراوي :
فما تم الشهر حتى قبض .
وكانت وفاته ليلة #عيد_الفطر سنة٢٥٦هـ
[ هدي الساري (٢/ ١٣١٧) ]

Ibn hajr mentions,

“Imam Bukhari was trialed so much up to the point he raised his hands and said, ‘Oh Allah, as vast as the earth is, it has become straitened for me, so take away my soul’

The narrator says, ‘The month didn’t end except his soul was taken and his death was on the night of Eid ul Fitr, year 25 hijri date'” End translation.

[ هدي الساري (٢/ ١٣١٧)]

Translated by

Ikram Siddiqui
Abu Saif