‏سُئل ‎الشيخ عبدالمحسن العباد حفظه الله:

عن شخص سُرقت نعله في ‎المسجد النبوي ، فهل يجوز له أن يأخذ نعلاً غيرها، وقد تكون لآخر؟

فأجاب بقوله:

“إذا ظُلمت فلا تظلم غيرك”.

درس ‎صحيح البخاري
صفر / ٢٨/ ١٤٤٠هـ

Sheikh Abdul Muhsin al Abbad may Allah preserve him was asked:


“Regarding a person whose shoes were stolen from the prophet’s masjid, is it then permissible to take some other shoes which perhaps belong to someone else?”


“If you have been oppressed, then do not oppress someone else.” End translation. [درس ‎صحيح البخاري
صفر / ٢٨/ ١٤٤٠]

Translated by

Ikram Siddiqui
Abu Saif