Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Hizaam was asked:

يقول السائل: طالب العلم كيف يستغل وقته ؟

The questioner says:

How does a student of knowledge take advantage of his time?

 الإجـــــــــابة :-

يبتدئ طالب العلم بالإقبال على حفظ القرآن وحفظ السنة ولا يشق على نفسه ويأخذ له مع الحفظ شيئاً من الدروس كالدرسين والثلاثة في التوحيد و العقيدة والنحو والتجويد ويستمر على ذلك ويراجع ويحافظ على أوقاته ويكثر من المراجعة ويعتني بالإتقان في حفظه فليقسم أوقاته :

The answer:

The student of knowledge begins by having an acceptance to memorize the Qur’an and memorizing the Sunnah, while not making it hard upon himself. Along with his memorization, he can also take lessons, such as two lessons or three in Tawheed, Aqeedah, Arabic grammar, Tajweed, and he continues like this, reviewing and preserving his time. He constantly reviews and pays attention to perfecting what he has memorized, while properly dividing his time.

أوقات للحفظ أوقات للدروس والمراجعة

Times for memorizing and times for lessons and reviewing.

وإذا فتح الله عليه بعد ذلك بحفظ القرآن وحفظ أحاديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عند ذلك يغلب جانب الدروس ويجعل وقتاً لمراجعة المحفوظات

If, after that, Allah bestows upon him (the blessing of) memorizing the Quran and memorizing narrations of the the messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه و سلم, he then makes more time for (attending) lessons and places a time for reviewing that which he had previously memorized.

وننصح طالب العلم أن يستفيد من إخوانه الذين تقدموه في طلب العلم ويستشيرهم فيما يقبل عليه فإن هذا السؤال جوابه طويل ويحتاج إلى كلامٍ كثير ولكن استفد ممن تقدمك في طلب العلم ويجعل الله عزوجل في ذلك الخير .

We advise that a student of knowledge benefit from his brothers that preceded him in seeking knowledge and seek their advice in that which they are proceeding upon (the knowledge they are acquiring). The answer to this question is a long one and is in need of a lot of speech, but benefit from those who have preceded you in seeking knowledge and Allah Aza Wa Jal will place good in that.

Translated by

Majid Jawed Al-Afghanee
Abu Layl