Few Corrections In The Translation Of The Fabricated And Weak Narrations That Are Widespread Regarding Ramadaan And Its Virtues

سَيِّدُ الشهورِ شهرُ رمضانَ، وأعظمُها حُرمةً ذو الحِجَّةِ

“The master of the months is the month of Ramadan and the most sacred of them (months) is Dhul Hijjah”

[declared weak by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Ad-Da’ifa (3727)].

كان إذا دخل شهرُ رمضانَ أَطْلَقَ كلَّ أَسِيرٍ، وأَعْطَى كلَّ سائلٍ

“When the month of Ramadan enters He frees every captive and gives everyone who asks”

[declared very weak by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Ad-Da’ifa (3015)].

شَهْرُ رمضانَ مُعَلَّقٌ بينَ السَّماءِ والأرضِ ، ولا يُرفَعُ إلى اللَّهِ ، إلَّا بزَكاةِ الفطرِ

“The month of Ramadan is suspended/kept between the heaven and the earth, and it does not rises to Allah except by Zakat-ul-Fitr”

[declared weak by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Ad-Da’ifa (43)].

شعبانُ شهري، ورمضانُ شهرُ اللهِ، وشعبانُ المطهَّرُ، ورمضانُ المُكفِّرُ

“Sha’ban is my month, Ramadan is the month of Allah. Sha’ban is a purifying [month], and Ramadan is an expiating [month].”

[declared very weak by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Ad-Da’ifa (3746)].

لا تقولوا رمضانَ فإنَّ رمضان اسمٌ من أسماءِ اللهِ تعالى ولكن قولوا شهرُ رمضانَ

“Do not say ‘Ramadan’ for verily Ramadan is the name from the Names of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala), rather call it ‘month of Ramadan'”

[declared false/incorrect (baatil) by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Ad-Da’ifa (6768)].

أولُ شهرِ رمضانَ رحمةٌ، وأَوْسَطُهُ مغفرةٌ، وآخِرُهُ عِتْقٌ من النارِ

“The beginning of the month of Ramadan is mercy, the middle of it is forgiveness and the last part of it is liberation from the Hell-Fire.”

[declared rejected (munkar) by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Ad-Da’ifa (1569)].

لكلِّ شيءٍ زكاةٌ وزكاةُ الجسدِ الصَّومُ ، والصيامُ نصفُ الصَّبرِ

“Everything has its Zakat and Zakat of the body is fasting for fasting is half of patience.”

[declared weak by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Da’if at-Targheeb (579)].

صومُوا تَصِحُّوا

“Fast! [And] become healthy.”

[declared weak by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Da’if al-Jam’i (3504)].

كان إذا دخل رجبٌ قال :” اللهم بارِكْ لنا في رجبٍ وشعبانَ ، وبلِّغنا رمضانَ

“When (the month of) Rajab would enter, he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) used to say:

‘O Allah bless us in Rajab and Sha’ ban and allow us to reach Ramadan'”

[declared weak by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Da’if al-Jam’i (4395)].

نومُ الصائمِ عبادةٌ ، وصَمْتُه تسبيحٌ ، وعملُه مُضاعَفٌ ودعاؤُه مُستَجابٌ ، وذنبُه مغفورٌ

“The sleep of the fasting person is worship, his silence is tasbeeh (glorifying Allah), his actions are multiplied, his supplications are answered and his sins are forgiven”

[declared weak by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Da’if al-Jam’i (5972)].

إنَّ اللهَ يُوحِي إلى الحَفَظَةِ لا تَكتبوا على صُوَّامِ عبادي بعدَ العصرِ سيئةً

“Indeed Allah revealed to His angels (who record the deeds of the servants), do not record any of the evil deeds of my fasting servants after Asr”

[declared false/incorrect (baatil) by Shaikh al-Albani (Rahimahullah) in Ad-Da’ifa (6580)].

Note: I remember back in Pakistan we used to make excuses by quoting the statement: “sleeping is worship, perhaps we will not be sinning while sleeping.”

Now we have found that this narration is weak. May Allah guide us and make us follow the Sunnah sincerely seeking His (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) Face. Ameen

Compiled by

Sarim Malik
Abu Abdullaah