Ash-Shaykh Bin Baz, rahimahullah, was asked the following:

هل في القرض زكاة؟


“Is there Zakaat on loans?”

نعم، القرض إذا صار إليك وحال عليه الحول تزكيه، صار مال إليك، إذا اقترضت من زيد ألف ريال أو ألفين أو مائة ألف أو أكثر وحال عليه الحول وهو عندك تزكيه؛ لأنه مالك فهو مالك لك وصار دينًا عليك لأخيك، فعليك بأن تزكيه كما تزكي الأموال الأخرى التي جاءتك بالعطاء والهبة والتي جاءتك من غير ذلك بالطرق الشرعية.


“Yes, if the loan comes in your possession and you have it for one whole [lunar] year, you should pay Zakaat for it; the wealth was in your possession. If you were to take a loan of one thousand riyals, two thousand, a hundred thousand, or even more from so-and-so and you had it for one whole year, you should pay Zakaat for it since it is a part of your wealth and it is a debt upon you from your brother [in Islam]. Therefore, it is upon you to pay Zakaat for it as you pay Zakaat for your other types of wealth that may come to you through a gift or through other legislated means.”

End. [Reference]

Ash-Shaykh Bin Baz, rahimahullah, was asked the following:

بالنسبة لإخراج الزكاة إذا كان على المزكي ديون أكثر مما لديه ، فهل يخرج على الموجود زكاة أم لا ؟


“In relation to paying Zakaat, if the person has debts more than what he actually possesses, should he pay Zakaat for the amount of wealth present with him or not?”

يجب على من لديه مال زكوي أن يؤدي زكاته إذا حال عليه الحول ولو كان عليه دين في أصح قولي العلماء ؛ لعموم الأدلة الدالة على وجوب الزكاة على من لديه مال تجب فيه الزكاة إذا حال عليه الحول ولو كان عليه دين ولأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يأمر عماله بأخذ الزكاة ممن عليه زكاة ، ولم يأمرهم أن يسألوهم هل عليهم دين أم لا ؟ ولو كان الدين يمنع لأمر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عماله أن يستفسروا من أهل الزكاة هل عليهم دين . والله ولي التوفيق


“It is compulsory upon the one who has the required amount for Zakaat to pay Zakaat for it if he possesses the required amount for one whole [lunar] year, even if he has a debt upon him. This is the strongest of the two opinions of the scholars [concerning this matter] due to the generality of the proofs indicating the obligation of Zakaat upon the one who has wealth if he has it for one whole year, even if he is in debt. [This is] because the Prophet (ﷺ) would command his Zakaat collectors to collect it from those upon whom it was obligated and he didn’t order them to ask if they are in debt or not before collecting. If a debt was a reason to prevent the obligation of Zakaat, He (ﷺ) would have ordered His Zakaat collectors to inquire from the people if they are in debt when collecting Zakaat from them. And Allah is the source of success”. End. [Reference]

Note: The aforementioned ruling is general for all types of loans, whether they be investment loans, student loans, bank loans or other loans that meet the requirements of Zakaat and remain with the person for one whole year. This is also the verdict of Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, Shaykh Albani, Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, and the verdict of our Shaykh Muhammad bin Hizaam [See here].

An Additional Note:

Concerning loans and debts that are to be paid back in installments, the person wouldn’t include from his Zakaat any payments that are due upon him which he intends to pay back.

Ash-Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, rahimahullah, said:

“[…] There is one exception in a case where the money that is owed is due at the same time when the Zakaat is due and you plan to pay the debt off during that time. In this case, we say there is no Zakaat upon you concerning this wealth since you have prepared it as a payment for the debt and also due to the statement of Uthman bin Affan – may Allah be pleased with him – when he was giving a sermon, ‘This is the month of your Zakaat. Therefore, whoever has a debt should pay it off [and pay Zakaat on his remaining wealth]’. This proves that the debt that is due which the person intends to pay off has precedence over the Zakaat”.


Translated by

AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman
Abu Fajr