لا ينبل الرجل حتى يأخذ عمن هو فوقه وعمن هو مثله وعمن هو دونه

“A man will not become noble until he takes from those who are higher than, at the same level as, and lower than him.” ~ Translated by Abu Sufyaan

وقد طبق البخاري ذلك في صحيحه فروى عن شيوخه وعن أقرانه وبعض تلاميذه. هدي الساري مقدمة فتح الباري

“Al-Imaam Bukhaari implented this in his saheeh compilation wherein he narrated from his teachers, his peers and even from his students.

Allaah raises a person due to his humbleness.”

And how many times a person attends a class of someone who may be on the same level of him or even on a lower level than him, then comes to learn by attending his class something new he didn’t know before or at least be reminded of something that he once knew?

From the benefits they mention also:

التنويه من الكبير بذكر الصغير، وإلفات الناس إليه في الأخذ عنه”.

” And it becomes a means of encouragement for the person.”

Translated by

AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman
Abu Fajr