كل الحوادث مبدأها من النظر … ومعظم النار من مستصغر الشرر

“All evil occurrences [usually] begin with ones glance … while most fires are a buildup of insignificant sparks”

كم نظرة فعلت في قلب صاحبها … فعل السهام بلا قوس ولا وتر

“How many quick glances has done to the heart the same as what an arrow would do without any bow or string.”

The ending of the lines is even more of a reminder:

… لا مرحباً بسرور عاد بالضرر

“No thanks to pleasure that brings harm.”

[Excerpted while slightly edited]

Mentioned by

AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman
Abu Fajr