Picking up and eating food found on the ground
Question: I saw garbage outside a masjid, and after picking it up, I realized there is half a chocolate in […]
Question: I saw garbage outside a masjid, and after picking it up, I realized there is half a chocolate in […]
The Permenant Comittee of Saudi Arabia said in their fatwa: س 32: هل يجوز الأكل في المطاعم التي تقدم فيها […]
Question: Does [not wearing] expensive rings and watches fall under the Hadith: مَنْ تَرَكَ اللِّبَاسِ تَوَاضُعًا لِلَّهِ وَهُوَ يَقْدِرُ عَلَيْهِ […]
Title: What to do when feeling drowsy before or during the khutbah? Translator: Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan View / Download
Question: Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd mentor mentioned that some people become arrogant due to seeking knowledge. What is the best […]
Question: Is Tahiyatul Masjid offered after the Athan of Fajr Salaah? Answer: Some of the scholars mentioned that he has […]
Shaikh Ibn ul-Uthaymeen rahimahullah said: “I am cautious/weary of the permissibility of this warranty because in reality it is necessary […]
Question: Is it permissible to recite one long verse (after Surah Faatihah)? Answer: Some of the scholars say the minimum […]
Topic: The Prohibition of Picture Making Speaker: Nawaas al-Hindy [Download]
Topic: Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi’i Speaker: Ustaad Ahmad Banaajah Listen / Download