
Is the tasbeeh recommended only after the obligatory prayers or should we also do so for sunnah such as tahajjud?


The Lajnah ad-Da’imah stated :

Tahmid (saying: “Alhamdu lillah [All praise is due to Allah]”), Tasbih (saying: “Subhan Allah [Glory be to Allah]”), and Takbir (saying: “Allahu Akbar [Allah is the Greatest]”) are said after the obligatory Salah.



If you get confused and mix up the order of the tasbeeh, is it still accepted?


It is permissible to start with Takbir before Tahmid or Tahmid before Tasbih and so on.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said “The Most beloved of words to Allah are four: Subhan Allah , Al-Hamdulillah , La ilaha illa-Allah, Allahu Akbar. There is no harm upon you in which of them you begin with.”


Sometimes we get distracted right after the salah and forget to say Subhan’Allah . AlhamduliLlah and Allahu Akbar. Do we still get the reward for saying when we remember so long as the other salah does not come in?


Al-Imam an-Nawawi and other scholars mentioned it is permissible for a person to make up for dhikr that he missed if it was from his regular routine to read it and Allah knows best

Answered by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr