Imam Abu Dawood mentioned regarding it in the chapter of the prohibition of cursing the dead

It’s further clarified by the wording after it

لا تقعوا فيه

Do not revile him

the explainer of Sunan Abu Dawood Al Atheem Abaadi said it means:

“Leave off speaking in regards to him with that which would harm him if he was alive”

Mula Ali Qari in his explanation of Mishkaat mentions it means:

اتركوا ذكر مساويه فإن تركه من محاسن الأخلاق ، دلهم – صلى الله عليه وسلم –

Leave off mentioning his faults for leaving it off is from the good manners. The prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم indicated them

على المجاملة وحسن المعاملة مع الأحياء والأموات ويؤيده حديث ” اذكروا موتاكم بالخير ” ،

towards being courteous and having good dealings with the living and the dead. And that which aids it is the narration

“Mention your dead with good”

وقيل : إذا مات فاتركوا محبته والبكاء عليه والتعلق به ، والأحسن أن يقال : فاتركوه إلى رحمة الله

And it is said: if he dies, leave off loving him and crying upon him and being attached to him. That which is best is that it be said, “Leave him to the mercy of Allah Ta’ala”

And Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al Abbad mentioned in his Sharh Of Sunan Abu Dawood

فدعوه ولا تقعوا فيه، ولكن إذا كان عنده أمور محذورة، ويراد التحذير منها، وألا يغتر بها، ولا يفتتن أحد بما عنده من ضلالات إذا كان عنده ضلالات، فإن التحذير منه أمر مطلوب.

Leave him and don’t revile him. However, if he has matters with him which are prohibited, and the intent is to warn from it, and that one isn’t misled by it, and that none are put to trial with that which he has of misguidance if he has misguidance with him, then warning from him is a desired matter.

Allah knows best

Translated by

Majid Jawed Al-Afghanee
Abu Layl