قال يحيى بن معين :
كان غندر يصوم يوماً ويفطر يوماً منذ خمسين سنة .
Yaḥya Ibn Ma‘een (رحمه الله) said, “Ghundar would fast a day and break his fast since the past 50 years” (Meaning he fasted every other day)
[السير ١٠١/٩]
Note: The Ghundar that is being referred to is none other than the Imām Moḥamed Ibn Jāfar who took Hadith from the likes of Mām’ar and Saʿīd Ibn Abī ʿArūba. Those whom took knowledge from him include the likes of ’Alee Ibn Madenee, Aḥmed Ibn Ḥanbal and Yaḥya Ibn Mā’een to mention a few.
Translated by
Yassin Al-Somalee
Abu Aisha