Ash-Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him, said:

النصيحة أن تستعيذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم، وثانيا لا تعبأ بهذا، الوسواس لا يؤثر عليك، ارفضه رفضا تاما ولا تلتفت إليه ولا تتكلم بما وسوست به

The advice is that you seek refuge with Allah from Shaytan. Secondly, that you show no attention to this, since the whispers will not affect you. (Likewise) you should totally disregard it and not pay any attention to it nor should you speak about what you have whispers regarding (to anyone).

، أولا تستعيذ بالله من الشيطان، ثانيا لا تتأثر به وترفضه رفضا تاما، ثالثا لا تتحدث به، بل ارفضه واتركه، وسيزول عنك بإذن الله.

Firstly you should seek refuge with Allah from Shaytan and secondly you shouldn’t allow it to affect you however you should totally disregard it and thirdly you shouldn’t speak about it rather you should disregard it and abandon it and it will eventually go away inshaaa Allah


Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr