This sect is from one of the oldest spiritual groups of the sufis and they are commonly found in Somalia, Sudan, India and in South Africa. However:
- They believe in mysticism and the unification of Allaah within His own creation.
- They claim they worship Allah not out of hope for His paradise and not out of fear from His punishment but merely out of Love for Him.
- Also they allege that if they reach to a strong level of certainty in faith, it is no longer required from them to perform acts of worship.
- Some allege that their spiritual leaders have access to control the universe.
- They allege if the name of Shaykh Abdul-Qaadir al-Jaylaani is written on the shroud of the deceased, the person won’t be trialed with the fire of hell.
- They claim its permissible to seek istighaathah and worship through their spiritual shuyookh under the disguise they are seeking nearness to Allah.
- They claim they are descendants of the Messenger [peace be upon him].
- They establish amongst themselves the oath of allegiance which people used to give to the Prophet [peace be upon him].
- They establish innovated methods in chanting out Dhikr amongst themselves which they may repeat one thousand times depending on the individual.
- Some of their leaders claim that the servants’ behavior is according to what he legislates for them and that he would be able to close the Fire due to his greatness except for a prior pledge taken from the Prophet. And some claim that he can help those of his Murid [students] who are loyal to him and save them from ordeals, protect them in this world and in the Hereafter, secure them from fear, and be with them at the Mizan [the Scales for weighing deeds] on the Day of Resurrection.
- They believe Prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi wa salam is the source of the life of the world and the hereafter.
- They may symbolizes their group through wearing an embroidered rose on their caps.
The Lajnah ad-Da’imah stated:
“We believe that Shaykh `Abdul-Qadir Al-Jilany, to whom this Tariqah is ascribed, is as innocent of what is in this poem as the wolf was innocent of the blood of Yaqub’s son. His followers tell many lies about him and ascribe to him that which he is innocent of.”
Mentioned by
AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman
Abu Fajr
Ash-Shaykh Abdullah bin Humayd rahimahullah once debated with one of their leaders. Ash-Shaykh Abdullah bin Humayd rahimahullah asked him, “you say the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam is made from țhe light of Allah, so what about the ayah:
إنك ميت و إنهم ميتون
“You shall die (oh Muhammad) and they shall die” [39:20]
Does this mean that the light of Allah died out by the death of The Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam. There then the man was baffled by the question and couldn’t respond.
Alhamdulilah the truth prevailed.
Mentioned by
AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman
Abu Fajr