
A brother converted to Islaam but was already married to his Christian wife. Does he have to renew his marriage contract with her or is it still valid?


The Permanent Committee said:

ثانيًا: إذا أسلم الزوج ثم أسلمت الزوجة فإنهما يبقيان على عقد الزواج السابق، ولا يحتاج إلى تجديد. ثالثًا: إذا كانت الزوجة نصرانية وامتنعت عن الدخول في الإسلام فيجوز للزوج الاستمرار معها؛ لأن الأصل أنه يجوز
(الجزء رقم : 19، الصفحة رقم: 28)
للمسلم الزواج من الكتابية المحصنة

Secondly: If a husband accepts Islam then his wife accepts Islam, then both remain upon their previous marriage contract. It does not need to be renewed.

Thirdly: If the wife is a Christian and she refuses to enter into Islam, then it is allowed for the husband to remain with her because the origin is permissibility for the Muslim to marry the person of the Book who is chaste…”


Shaikh Ibn ul-‘Uthaymeen rahimaullah said:

وكذلك لو كان نصرانياً تزوج نصرانية، ثم أسلم وبقيت هي على دينها فالنكاح بحاله، والأمر في هذا ظاهر؛ لأنه يحل له أن يتزوج النصرانية ابتداءً، فالدوام أقوى

Like this if a Christian man married a Christian woman and then he came to Islam and she remained upon her religion, then their marriage is upon its condition and the affair is clear because it is allowed to marry a Christian woman in the beginning and its continuation is stronger…”

[Reference removed since it no longer exists]

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulymaan