
Is it better for a person to pray alone if the congregation he intends to pray with pray a bit later than its usual time?


The Lajnah ad-Da’imah was asked concerning if it is better for a person to pray alone if the congregation that he intends to pray with will pray a bit late than its usually time.

So from what The Lajnah replied with is the following:

يجب عليك أن تصلي مع الجماعة في الوقت، ولوتأخرت إقامة الجماعة ساعة‏

“It is necessary upon you that you pray with the congregation for that time even if the establishment of the congregation is an hour later. ”

Fatawa # 11255‏.

Translated and Answered by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr