قال ابن القيم(رحمه الله):
“الجهل مرض يؤلم القلب ؛
فمن الناس من يداويه بعلوم لا تنفع
وهي فى الحقيقة إنما تزيده
مرضاً إلى مرضه.”
إغاثة اللهفان [١/١٩]
Ibn Al-Qayyim ( رحمه الله ) said:
“Ignorance is a sickness which affects the hearts. From amongst the people are those who attempt to cure it with unbeneficial knowledge which in reality only increases him in sickness upon his already [apparent] sickness.”
[Ighāthat al-Lahfan (1/19)]
Translated by
Yassin Al-Somalee
Abu Aisha