أخبرنا إسماعيل بن إسحاق الثقفي النيسابوري أن أبا عبدالله سئل عن رجل له جار رافضي يسلم عليه قال لا وإذا سلم عليه لا يرد عليه

Imam Khallal said in his Sunnah that Ismail ibn Ishaaq ath-Thaqfi an-Naysaaboori reported to us that Abu Abdillah (Ahmad Ibn Hanbal) was asked about a man who has a Raafidi neighbour and he gives him salam. He [Imam Ahmad] said rahimahullah, “No. If he [the Raafidi] gives salam, then he does not respond to him”.

[Kitab as-Sunnah al-Khallal no. 784 and graded Saheeh by the Muhaqiq of the book Doctor Atiyyah az-Zahraani]

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan