قال ابن عثيمين رحمه الله: «الصلاة نورٌ للعبد في وجهه وفي قلبه وفي قبره وفي حشْره؛ ولهذا تجد أكثر النـاس نورًا في الوجوه أكثرهم صلاة وأخشعهم فيها لله».
[شرح رياض الصالحين (١٩٠/١)]
Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen rahimahullaah said,
“Salaah (prayer) is a light for the ‘abd (slave) on his face, in his heart, his grave, and his gathering [on the Day of Resurrection]; for this reason, you find that the people with the most light on their faces are the ones who pray the most with humility for Allaah.” End translation. [Sharh Riyaadhis-Saaliheen (1/190)]
Translated by
Zain Irfan
Abu Abdil-Baari