Ash-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him, said :
حلق الشعر وتقليم الأظافر لا يجوزان في عشر ذي الحجة لمن أراد أن يضحي، أو أن يأخذ شيئًا من شعره أو أظافره في عشر ذي الحجة، حتى يذبح أضحيته؛ لنهيه صلى الله عليه وسلم عن ذلك ؛ كما في حديث أسماء رضي الله عنها، أما مجرد تسريح الشعر الذي لا يحصل معه زوال شيء من الشعر؛ فلا بأس به.
“Cutting the hair and trimming the nails is not allowed for the one who intends to make a sacrifice during the ten days of Dhul Hijjah. (Similarly), or to remove any piece of hair from himself or from his nails during the ten days. (This is) until he slaughters his sacrifice due to the prohibition of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam from that, as comes in the hadeeth of Asmaa, may Allah be pleased with her. As for hairstyling only which doesn’t cause pieces of the hair to fall off, then that is okay”
Reference: Muntaqaa min Fataawa al-Fawzaan
Translated by
AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr
Regarding not cutting one’s hair, does this also apply to the family members if a sacrifice is made on behalf of the family by the father?
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said:
وهذا الحكم خاص بمن يضحّي، أما المضحَّى عنه فلا يتعلق به؛ لأن النبي قال: { وأراد أحدكم أن يضحي… } ولم يقل: أو يضحّى عنه؛ ولأن النبي كان يضحّي عن أهل بيته، ولم يُنقل عنه أنه أمرهم بالإمساك عن ذلك
This ruling is specific to the one slaughtering. As for the one whom the slaughter is made on behalf of, then it’s not connected with him, because the prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم said “if one you wishes to slaughter” and he didn’t say “or the one whom on his behalf it’s being slaughtered”. The prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم would slaughter on behalf of the people of his house and it wasn’t relayed from him that he commanded them with withholding from that [taking hair, etc]
Translated by
Majid Jawed Al-Afghanee
Abu Layl