[CHART] Islamic Names for Boys and Girls
Title: Islamic Names for Boys and Girls Author: Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid [Extracted from his book Tasmiyyatul‐Mawlud (pg.63‐72)] Compiler: Faisal ibn Abdul Qaadir ibn […]
Title: Islamic Names for Boys and Girls Author: Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid [Extracted from his book Tasmiyyatul‐Mawlud (pg.63‐72)] Compiler: Faisal ibn Abdul Qaadir ibn […]
Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan hafidhuhallah was asked the following question: Question: Some people’s names are Muhammad or Abdul-Aziz and with that, they […]
Question: Many of us use the word Shaikh between many of the youth. So the question is: when is it […]
Question: What’s the ruling on giving boy/girls two names ? Answer: Al-Imam Ibnul-Qayyim rahimahullaah ta’ala mentions in his book ‘Tuhfatul […]
Question: If brothers are mixed (having multiple national backgrounds) is it recommended to say where they are from according to their […]