The Etiquettes For The Students When Correcting The Teacher – Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sa’dee
Ash-Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa’di, rahimahullah, said, :” وإذا أخطأ المعلم في شيء فلينبهه برفق ولطف بحسب المقام ، ولا يقول له […]
Authentic Knowledge, Quraan, Sunnah, Salaf
Ash-Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa’di, rahimahullah, said, :” وإذا أخطأ المعلم في شيء فلينبهه برفق ولطف بحسب المقام ، ولا يقول له […]
1. Lightning is radiant light. Hafidh Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said: “Allah states that He has full power over al-Barq (lighting), which […]
Ash-Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee, rahimahullah, said: : لا يجوز سوء الظن بأهل السنة والجماعة الذين هم متمسكون بها والموالون لأهلها والمجالسون […]
Question: Also whats the ruling on being sarcastic? Does that come under lying to make ppl laugh? Answer: Allah says: […]
و قال الحسن البصري :(( إذا جالست فكن على أن تسمع أحرص منك على أن تقول , و تعلم حسن […]
Fahd ibn Abdillah as-Saneed wrote: “I was in al-Qaseem in the year 1418 H and the Shaikh (Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen) […]
Here is a benefit on the Sunnah of greeting a Muslim after being separated by a wall or tree or […]
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen was asked the following question: Question: If [a person] conceals long pants in the socks that he […]
Question: Is there any evidence stating that we do not need to reply to السلام عليكم at all times? Answer: […]
Questioner: If there is a ride, like the bus which we ride roday, and one of us stands and says: […]