Ash-Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa’di, rahimahullah, said,

:” وإذا أخطأ المعلم في شيء فلينبهه برفق ولطف بحسب المقام ، ولا يقول له : أخطأت ، أو ليس الأمر كما تقول ،

“And when the teacher errs in something, then let him [i.e. the student] bring it to his attention while being gentle and polite [in his words] according to [what suits] the situation. And he shouldn’t say to him [frankly] ‘you are mistaken’ or ‘the matter is not like as you are saying it’

بل يأتي بعبارة لطيفة يدرك بها المعلم خطأه من دون أن يتشوش قلبه ، فإن هذا من الحقوق اللازمة وهو أدعى إلى الوصول إلى الصواب ، فإن الرد الذي يصحبه سوء الأدب وإزعاج القلب يمنع من تصور الصواب ومن قصده ” انتهى

Rather, he should come with polite words which the teacher will realize by way of it his error without his heart becoming disturbed. [This is] for verily it is from the rights which are necessary and it is more of a reason in reaching to the truth. Indeed a refutation that consists of bad manners and disturbance to the heart prevents from comprehending the correct stance and from intending it.”. End.

من آداب المعلمين والمتعلمين ، ضمن الفتاوى السعدية

From the pamphlet ‘The manners of the teachers and the students, an excerpt from the fataawa of Al-Imam As-Sa’di”

Also some of the shuyookh have suggested when correcting the teacher that it should be in a form of a question similar to the hadeeth,

“When Prophet (ﷺ) shortened one of the even prayers and only prayed it in two raka’aat, so a man who was called Dhul-Yadain by the Prophet (ﷺ) said (to the Prophet), “Has the prayer been reduced or have you forgotten?” He said, “Neither have I forgotten, nor has the prayer been reduced.” He said, “Certainly you have forgotten.” So the Prophet (ﷺ) offered two more rak`at and performed Taslim and then said Takbir and performed a prostration of Sahu” [Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 22, Hadith #321]

[CLASS] Some Of The Manners Of Teachers And Students – Abu Fajr AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman

Mentioned by

AbdulFattaah Bin Uthman
Abu Fajr