Title: And Whatever Blessings And Good Things You Have, It Is From Allaah
Author: Ahmad Banajah
Transcriber: Abu Abdillaah Muhammad Rifkhan
Table Of Contents:
- Short biography on Al Imaam, Al Allamah, Al Muhaddith, Al Faqeeh, Ash Shaykh, Abu Abdur Rahman Muqbil bin Hadee al Wadiee
- A glance into the beginning of Markaz Dammaj and its foundations.
- Who became the successor of Shaykh Muqbil هللا رحمه and how is the present situation?
- The study schedule in the Markaz.
- Who are the students and how they contribute to the Da’wah?
- Clarifying some of the doubts regarding studying in Dammaj.
- A comparison between Markaz Dammaj and other places that are known to spread Islamic knowledge by the Manhaj of the Salaf.