The Prophet sallahu alayhi wa salam said:
ثلاثُ خِصالٍ من سعادَةِ المرْءِ المسلِمِ في الدنيا : الجارُ الصالِحُ ، والمسْكَنُ الواسِعُ ، والمركَبُ الهَنِيءُ
Three characteristics are from the happiness of a Muslim in the worldly life: a pious neighbor, a spacious house, and a comfortable ride
[Saheeh Jami no. 3029]
Imam as-San’aani rahimahullah said:
مما يدل على أنه تعالى قد أسعده فيها فيتعين عليه مزيد الشكر والاعتراف بالنعمة
“That is from what indicates that Allah, the Exalted made him happy in. So he specifically increases gratitude [towards it] and admission of the blessing..”
[Tanweer Sharh Jami’ as-Sagheer]
Another authentic narration adds to this a righteous spouse.
Translated by
Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan
Imam Ibn Qayyim rahimahullah said:
من علامات السعادة والفلاح أن العبد كلما زيد في علمه زيد في تواضعه ورحمته وكلما زيد في عمله زيد في خوفه وحذره. وكلما زيد في عمره نقص من حرصه. وكلما زيد في ماله زيد في سخائه وبذله. وكلما زيد في قدره وجاهه زيد في قربه من الناس وقضاء حوائجهم والتواضع لهم
“From the signs of happiness and success is that every time a servant increases in knowledge, he increases in humility and mercy. Every time he increases in knowledge, he increases in fear and caution. Every time he increases in age, he decreases in his eagerness [for the worldly life]. Every time he increases in wealth, he increases in generosity and spending. Every time he increases in ability and honor, he increases in nearness to the people, fulfilling their needs and humility in dealing with them”
[Kitab al-Fawaaid pg. 155]
Translated by
Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan