Title: Laysal Ghareeb
Author: Zaynul ‘Aabideen ‘Alee Bin Husayn Bin ‘Alee Bin Abee Taalib
- The stranger is not the stranger to Yemen or Shaam [Syria]
- But the stranger is the stranger to the grave and the coffin
- Verily the stranger has rights for his absence
- Over the residents of the dwellings & homelands.
- Don’t chase away the outlander in his state of unfamiliarity
- For time is also chasing him with hardship & distress
- My travels are far and my provisions will not suffice me
- My strength has weakened and death is calling unto me.
- I still have sins which I know not of
- Allah knows of them; those made in secret & in manifest
- How merciful has Allah been to me by giving me respite
- And I have increased in sins but Allah has always shielded me
- The hours of my days pass by without regret
- No crying, no fear, no sadness
- I am the one who closes the doors with fatigue
- On disobedience, & The Eye of Allah watches over me…
- O that which was written in a moment of heedlessness
- O the sorrow which remains in my heart is burning me.
- Leave me to bewail myself and weep
- And pass the time in sadness and remembrance.
- Leave off your Blaming of me O you who do so…
- If you were but to know my situation you would have excused me…
- Let me cry out tears that have no ending to them
- For there will be no lesson that will set me free
- It is As though I am with that family, laying…
- Upon the mattress with their hands turning me over.
- And they came to me with a doctor that he may cure me…
- But of today I think not that medicine will benefit me..
- My sufferings increased and death began to pull at me…
- From every vein, without ease or comfort…
- My soul was then removed from me with a gurgle…
- And my saliva became bitter at that point…
- They then shut my eyes and left me…
- After a long moment of despair… they hurried to the purchase of the shroud
- And he who was dearest to me got up in a hurry…
- To summon the person who was to wash me…
- He said: O my people we have attained a washer who is skillful,
- Clever, bright & intelligent…
- So then one of the men came and removed my clothing…
- He undressed me and uncovered my body…
- They then placed me on top of a board
- And the sound of water above me, [the water that] began to clean me
- He poured the water on top of me and washed me…
- Three times, before calling out to the people for the shroud…
- They shrouded me in a sleeveless garment…
- And my provisions became the balm in which they embalmed me
- They bore me towards my journey out of this world, oh how sorrowful!
- Will be this journey for which I have no provisions to take along with me?
- Upon their shoulders, they carried me, Four…
- Men, and behind me are those who come to bid me farewell
- They set me before the mihrab then turned away from me
- Behind the imam they went and he prayed on me then bade me farewell
- They prayed over me a prayer consisting of neither rukoo’ nor sujood
- Asking that Allah may have Mercy upon me.
- They lowered me into my grave slowly
- And one of them came forward to place me in the lahd
- He raised the garment from my face to gaze upon me
- And the tears spilled from his eyes awashing me
- Then he stood, honoring me, firm and resolute
- And lined the bricks on my body then left me
- And he said “Throw the dirt upon him and reap
- The great rewards from Ar-Rahmaan, the Most Gracious”
- In the darkness of the grave, no mother is there nor
- Is there an affectionate father, or a brother to comfort me
- Alone… The only inhabitant of the grave, oh how sorrowful!
- Am I on parting the world bearing no deeds to provision me?
- And a sight which beheld my eye struck terror into me.
- From a place of terror it came and startled me…
- Munkar and Nakeer, what shall I say to them?
- The thought of them strikes terror into me, it causes me fear
- And they made me to sit and put forth their questions
- I have none other than You now, O Lord, to deliver me!
- So bestow upon me from Your Mercy, O Lord, how I hope in You!!
- For verily I am fettered in my sins, I am confined by them
- The relatives have divided my wealth amongst them after leaving me.
- And my sins are now upon my back, burdening me
- My wife has taken another husband in my place
- And she has appointed him as overseer over my wealth and my home
- She has made my children into servants to bid unto her needs
- And my wealth has become to them a worthless means of enjoyment
- So let not this World and its adornments deceive you.
- And look at its [evil] effects in your family and homeland
- And look at the one who collects the wealth of this Dunya in abundance
- Will he depart from this world bearing other than the death shroud and balm?
- Take from the dunya that which suffices you and be contented with that
- Even if you were to have naught but good health
- O you who sows good, you will reap the fruit of your efforts.
- O you who sows evil you will find yourselves overcome with grief
- O soul of mine, abstain from sinning and attain instead
- Deeds which are beautiful, for which Allah may be merciful towards me
- O soul of mine, Woe upon you! Turn towards your lord in Repentance, and do that which is good
- So that you will be recompensed after your death with that which is delightful
- Lastly sending prayers upon the Chosen one, Our Sayyid (leader)
- All praise is unto Allah, May he fill our days and nights with that which is Good, with forgiveness
لَيْسَ الغَريبُ غَريبَ الشَّأمِ واليَمَنِ *إِنَّ الغَريبَ غَريبُ اللَّحدِ والكَفَنِ
إِنَّ الغَريِبَ لَهُ حَقٌّ لِغُرْبَتـِهِ * على الْمُقيمينَ في الأَوطــانِ والسَّكَنِسَفَري بَعيدٌ وَزادي لَنْ يُبَلِّغَنـي * وَقُوَّتي ضَعُفَتْ والمـوتُ يَطلُبُنـي
وَلي بَقايــا ذُنوبٍ لَسْتُ أَعْلَمُها * الله يَعْلَمُهــا في السِّرِ والعَلَنِمـَا أَحْلَمَ اللهَ عَني حَيْثُ أَمْهَلَني * وقَدْ تَمـادَيْتُ في ذَنْبي ويَسْتُرُنِي
تَمُرُّ سـاعـاتُ أَيّـَامي بِلا نَدَمٍ * ولا بُكاءٍ وَلاخَـوْفٍ ولا حـَزَنِ
أَنَـا الَّذِي أُغْلِقُ الأَبْوابَ مُجْتَهِداً * عَلى المعاصِي وَعَيْنُ اللهِ تَنْظُرُنـي
يَـا زَلَّةً كُتِبَتْ في غَفْلَةٍ ذَهَبَتْ * يَـا حَسْرَةً بَقِيَتْ في القَلبِ تُحْرِقُني
دَعْني أَنُوحُ عَلى نَفْسي وَأَنْدِبُـهـا * وَأَقْطَعُ الدَّهْرَ بِالتَّذْكِيـرِ وَالحَزَنِ
كَأَنَّني بَينَ تلك الأَهلِ مُنطَرِحــَاً * عَلى الفِراشِ وَأَيْديهِمْ تُقَلِّبُنــي
وَقد أَتَوْا بِطَبيبٍ كَـيْ يُعالِجَنـي * وَلَمْ أَرَ الطِّبَّ هـذا اليـومَ يَنْفَعُني
واشَتد نَزْعِي وَصَار المَوتُ يَجْذِبُـها * مِن كُلِّ عِرْقٍ بِلا رِفقٍ ولا هَوَنِ
واستَخْرَجَ الرُّوحَ مِني في تَغَرْغُرِها * وصـَارَ رِيقي مَريراً حِينَ غَرْغَرَني
وَغَمَّضُوني وَراحَ الكُلُّ وانْصَرَفوا * بَعْدَ الإِياسِ وَجَدُّوا في شِرَا الكَفَنِ
وَقـامَ مَنْ كانَ حِبَّ لنّاسِ في عَجَلٍ * نَحْوَ المُغَسِّلِ يَأْتينـي يُغَسِّلُنــي
وَقــالَ يـا قَوْمِ نَبْغِي غاسِلاً حَذِقاً * حُراً أَرِيباً لَبِيبـاً عَارِفـاً فَطِنِ
فَجــاءَني رَجُلٌ مِنْهُمْ فَجَرَّدَني * مِنَ الثِّيــابِ وَأَعْرَاني وأَفْرَدَني
وَأَوْدَعوني عَلى الأَلْواحِ مُنْطَرِحـاً * وَصـَارَ فَوْقي خَرِيرُ الماءِ يَنْظِفُني
وَأَسْكَبَ الماءَ مِنْ فَوقي وَغَسَّلَني * غُسْلاً ثَلاثاً وَنَادَى القَوْمَ بِالكَفَنِ
وَأَلْبَسُوني ثِيابـاً لا كِمامَ لهـا * وَصارَ زَادي حَنُوطِي حيـنَ حَنَّطَني
وأَخْرَجوني مِنَ الدُّنيـا فَوا أَسَفاً * عَلى رَحِيـلٍ بِلا زادٍ يُبَلِّغُنـي
وَحَمَّلوني على الأْكتـافِ أَربَعَةٌ * مِنَ الرِّجـالِ وَخَلْفِي مَنْ يُشَيِّعُني
وَقَدَّموني إِلى المحرابِ وانصَرَفوا * خَلْفَ الإِمـَامِ فَصَلَّى ثـمّ وَدَّعَني
صَلَّوْا عَلَيَّ صَلاةً لا رُكوعَ لهـا * ولا سُجـودَ لَعَلَّ اللـهَ يَرْحَمُني
وَأَنْزَلوني إلـى قَبري على مَهَلٍ * وَقَدَّمُوا واحِداً مِنهـم يُلَحِّدُنـي
وَكَشَّفَ الثّوْبَ عَن وَجْهي لِيَنْظُرَني * وَأَسْكَبَ الدَّمْعَ مِنْ عَيْنيهِ أَغْرَقَني
فَقامَ مُحتَرِمــاً بِالعَزمِ مُشْتَمِلاً * وَصَفَّفَ اللَّبِنَ مِنْ فَوْقِي وفـارَقَني
وقَالَ هُلُّوا عليه التُّرْبَ واغْتَنِموا * حُسْنَ الثَّوابِ مِنَ الرَّحمنِ ذِي المِنَنِ
في ظُلْمَةِ القبرِ لا أُمٌّ هنــاك ولا * أَبٌ شَفـيقٌ ولا أَخٌ يُؤَنِّسُنــي
فَرِيدٌ وَحِيدُ القبرِ، يــا أَسَفـاً * عَلى الفِراقِ بِلا عَمَلٍ يُزَوِّدُنـي
وَهالَني صُورَةً في العينِ إِذْ نَظَرَتْ * مِنْ هَوْلِ مَطْلَعِ ما قَدْ كان أَدهَشَني
مِنْ مُنكَرٍ ونكيرٍ مـا أَقولُ لهم * قَدْ هــَالَني أَمْرُهُمْ جِداً فَأَفْزَعَني
وَأَقْعَدوني وَجَدُّوا في سُؤالِهـِمُ * مَـالِي سِوَاكَ إِلهـي مَنْ يُخَلِّصُنِي
فَامْنُنْ عَلَيَّ بِعَفْوٍ مِنك يــا أَمَلي * فَإِنَّني مُوثَقٌ بِالذَّنْبِ مُرْتَهــَنِ
تَقاسمَ الأهْلُ مالي بعدما انْصَرَفُوا * وَصَارَ وِزْرِي عَلى ظَهْرِي فَأَثْقَلَني
واستَبْدَلَتْ زَوجَتي بَعْلاً لهـا بَدَلي * وَحَكَّمَتْهُ فِي الأَمْوَالِ والسَّكَـنِ
وَصَيَّرَتْ وَلَدي عَبْداً لِيَخْدُمَهــا * وَصَارَ مَـالي لهم حـِلاً بِلا ثَمَنِ
فَلا تَغُرَّنَّكَ الدُّنْيــا وَزِينَتُها * وانْظُرْ إلى فِعْلِهــا في الأَهْلِ والوَطَنِ
وانْظُرْ إِلى مَنْ حَوَى الدُّنْيا بِأَجْمَعِها * هَلْ رَاحَ مِنْها بِغَيْرِ الحَنْطِ والكَفَنِ
خُذِ القَنـَاعَةَ مِنْ دُنْيَاك وارْضَ بِها * لَوْ لم يَكُنْ لَكَ إِلا رَاحَةُ البَدَنِ
يَـا زَارِعَ الخَيْرِ تحصُدْ بَعْدَهُ ثَمَراً * يَا زَارِعَ الشَّرِّ مَوْقُوفٌ عَلَى الوَهَنِ
يـَا نَفْسُ كُفِّي عَنِ العِصْيانِ واكْتَسِبِي * فِعْلاً جميلاً لَعَلَّ اللهَ يَرحَمُني
يَا نَفْسُ وَيْحَكِ تُوبي واعمَلِي حَسَناً * عَسى تُجازَيْنَ بَعْدَ الموتِ بِالحَسَنِ
ثمَّ الصلاةُ على الْمُختـارِ سَيِّدِنـا * مَا وَصَّـا البَرْقَ في شَّامٍ وفي يَمَنِ
والحمدُ لله مُمْسِينَـا وَمُصْبِحِنَا * بِالخَيْرِ والعَفْوْ والإِحْســانِ وَالمِنَنِ