Ash-Shaykh Muqbil, rahimahullah  was asked the following question :

ما حكم التغني بالأذان ؟


What is the ruling on beautifying the Adhaan?

التغني بالأذان تحسين الصوت لا بأس به ، لكن التمطيط ليس بمشروع ، وربما أدى إلى السخرية .فيؤذن على حسب طبيعته ، ولا يتجاوز القواعد التجويدية والله المستعان .


“[As for] beautifying the Adhaan by embellishing it, [then] there is no harm in it. However, overstretching its letters (elongating it excessively) is not legislated and perhaps (that) may even lead to a form of mockery (to the adhaan). Therefore, he should make the adhaan according to his natural voice and he shouldn’t go beyond the rules of tajweed and Allah’s aid is sought. ”

[The tape (The questions of the city of Madeenah)]

The Lajnah ad-Da’imah was asked the following question:


What is the ruling on beautifying one’s voice when reciting the Qur’an or announcing the Adhan (call to Prayer)?


“If beautifying the voice when reciting them does not reach the level of singing them, this is permissible. Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah be merciful to him) said: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) liked a beautiful voice calling the Adhan and reciting the Qur’an and would listen to it.”… Reciting the Qur’an or Adhan in a melodious and musical rhythm is not permissible…”


Some of the shuyookh of Yemen derived from the following narration that it is permissible to embellish one’s voice with the adhaan especially if Allah has given the person a beautiful voice:

Abdullah bin Zaid narrated:
“When we awoke, we went to Allah’s Messenger to inform him of the dream. He said: ‘Indeed this dream is true. So go to Bilal, for he has a better and louder voice than you. Convey to him what was said to you, so that he may call (to the prayer) with that.


Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr