Al-Allaamah, Ash-Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhale, may Allah have mercy upon him, was asked the following question,

ما حكم الاستماع للقرآن من بعض المخالفين للمنهج السلفي؟


What is the ruling of listening to the Quran recitation of some of those who are in opposition to the salafi Manhaj?


فإن القرّاء المخالفين للعقيدة السلفية والمنهج السلفي يجب أن ينصحوا من ذوي الكفاءات العلمية

Verily it is waajib that the reciters who are in opposition to the salafi creed and the salafi manhaj be advised by those who are knowledgeably qualified.

العارفين بعقيدة السلف ومنهجهم ليتركوا ما هم فيه من مخالفات تتعلق بالعقيدة أو المنهج

By those who aware of the creed of the salaf and their manhaj, so that they may leave off the oppositions concerning aqeedah and manhaj

فإن قبلوا نصيحة الناصحين فذلك هو المطلوب من كل منصوح له ، وإن رفضوا فلا خير لك في التتلمذ عليهم بل ابحث عن غيرهم

So if they accept the advice of those advisers, then that is what is requested from each person who has been advised. And if they reject, then there is no goodness in you studying under them. Rather, look for other than them.

وأما الاستماع بواسطة المذياع ونحوه فلا حرج عليك فيه مع بغضك للقارئ المبتدع بقدر ما فيه من بدعة

As for listening via the radio and that which is similar to it, then there is no sin upon you in that along with you disliking the reciter, who is an innovator according to what he has with him of innovations.

… وإن كنت تعلم أنه من الدعاة إلى بدعته والناشرين لها فتحذر منه حتى لا يتبعه على بدعته من قلّ نصيبه من العلم الشرعي وبخل بلسانه عن سؤال العلماء عن موضوع السنن والمبتدعات

And if you aware he is from the (open) callers to his innovation and from those who publicize it, then you should warn from him in order that he doesn’t be followed upon his innovation by those who have with them little knowledge, and those who have allowed his tongue to be stingy from asking the scholars pertaining to the topic of acts of sunnahs and acts of innovations.

، وإن كنت تعرف عنه أنه لا يدعو إلى بدعته ولا ينشرها في وسائل النشر فاجتنبه ودع أمره إلى الله وسوف ينكشف أمره لأهل السنة فيزهقون باطله الذي تستر عليه إن شاء الله .

And if you aware from him that he doesn’t (openly) call to his innovation and doesn’t publicize it through the means of the media, then leave him and leave his affair to Allah; his affair will soon become clear to Ahlus Sunnah, and they will eradicate his falsehood of which was concealed from him in-shaa Allah.

Source: The Official Website of Saamitah

Translated by

AbdulFattaah bin Uthman
Abu Fajr