عن أبي هريرةَ رضي اللهُ عنه قال : إنَّ في الجنةِ نهرًا طولُ الجنةِ ، حافَّتاه العَذارَى ، قيامٌ مُتقابلاتٌ ، يُغنِّينَ بأحسنِ أصواتٍ يسمعُها الخلائقُ ، حتى ما يرون أنَّ في الجنةِ لذَّةً مثلَها قلنا : يا أبا هريرةَ ! وما ذاك الغناءُ ؟ قال : إن شاء اللهُ التَّسبيحُ والتَّحميدُ والتَّقديسُ وثناءٌ على الربِّ عزَّ وجلَّ .

On the authority of Abu Hurairah radiallahu anahu: “Verily in Jannah there is river as long as Jannah. At its banks are virgins who are standing facing one another. They sing with the best of voices the creation has ever heard, such that they [the people of Paradise] will not think there is pleasure similar to it in Paradise. We said “Oh Abu Hurairah! What will they be singing?” He said, “By the Permission of Allah, tasbeeh, tamheed, taqdees (sanctification of Allah), and praise of the Lord, the Exalted”

[Saheeh Targheeb no. 3751]

And to think, people waste their time listening to songs in this worldly life! We ask Allah to allow us to listen to this singing.

Translated by

Faisal Ibn Abdul Qaadir Ibn Hassan
Abu Sulaymaan